Turn PDF Math into Accessible Word Docs with MathPix

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This post will explore how to use MathPix snip to convert a PDF full of math images into an accessible Word document with accessible math!

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The Importance of Converting PDF Math to Accessible Formats

Math is a universal language. Yet, its accessibility is often restricted. The culprit? PDF files filled with math equations that aren’t screen-reader-friendly. This gap needs to be closed, and that’s where tools like MathPix come into play. Today we’ll go step-by-step through the process of using MathPix to convert these PDF math problems into accessible Word documents.

Why PDFs Fall Short

PDFs have long been a preferred method for distributing academic materials, including math problems. However, they fall short when it comes to accessibility. Screen readers and other assistive technologies often struggle with PDF content, especially complex equations. This can be a significant hurdle for people with visual impairments or learning disabilities. Speaking of which, I can make your pdfs accessible for you:

Streamlined Workflow: MathPix for PDFs

MathPix is not just a tool for capturing individual math problems. It’s a robust software capable of converting up to 100 pages of PDFs filled with math problems. The equations can be handwritten, typed out digitally, or in any other format. Here’s how you can make the conversion happen:

1. Have a PDF ready to rock:

The first step is simple. Ensure you have a PDF that contains the math problems you wish to convert into an accessible format.

2. Log In to MathPix:

Navigate to snip.mathpix.com and log into your account. If you don’t have an account, create one. It’s a straightforward process.

Logging in to math pix snip
3. Upload the PDF:

Once logged in, click on the PDF option located on the far left of your screen. You’ll see an upload button; click it and upload your PDF.

Uploading the PDF
4. Choose the Conversion Option:

After uploading, you’ll have a few options. You can either ‘Open the PDF,’ ‘Convert it to a Note,’ or ‘Export the File.’ If you’re planning to make changes to the equations, choose ‘Convert it to a Note.’

Conversion options

5. Visual Review:

A snapshot of what your math problems will look like will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. On the left, you’ll see your math equations formatted properly in either LaTex or Math ML.

Visual review

6. Export to Word:

Here’s the crucial step. Click the export button located at the top right corner of the screen. Do not export as PDF. Choose the Docx option.

Here’s the crucial step. Click the export button located at the top right corner of the screen. Do not export as PDF. Choose the Docx option.
7. Inspect in Word

Once exported, open the resulting Word document. You’ll find that the math problems are now within Microsoft Word’s default Equation Editor.

8. Opt for MathType:

If you have MathType installed, you’ll have the option to convert these equations into Math ML, making them even more accessible.

9. Finalize Your Document:

You now have an accessible Word document filled with your math problems. It’s ready for further editing if needed or distribution.

Additional Benefits and Takeaways

What makes this process so impactful is its scalability. If you have an extensive PDF, MathPix handles it with ease. The tool offers you the flexibility to deal with different types of math problems, from basic arithmetic to complex calculus equations.

I can be your accessibility expert. I offer tailored solutions to ensure your documents meet and exceed compliance expectations. For more detailed insights, tutorials, and in-depth discussions on accessibility and related topics, don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel: The Accessibility Guy on YouTube. Subscribe for regular updates!

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